Products 產品資訊

WaveSurfer 4000HD (200MHz-1GHz) 高解析度示波器 (12 bits)


WaveSurfer 4104HD / WS4104HD

1 GHz, 2.5 GS/s, 4 Ch, 12.5 Mpts/Ch High Definition Oscilloscope with 12.1” capacitive touch screen


Analog Bandwidth (Max) 1 GHz
Bandwidth 10.74"H x 14.96"W x 6.30"D (273 mm x 380 mm x 160 mm)
Analog Bandwidth @ 50 Ω (-3 dB) (ProBus Input) 1 GHz
Analog Bandwidth @ 1 MΩ (-3 dB) (ProBus Input) 500 MHz
Rise Time (10-90%, 50 Ω) 450 ps
Input Channels 4
Input Channels 11.7 lbs (5.3 kg)
Vertical Resolution 15 bits; up to 15 bits with enhanced resolution (ERES)
Vertical Resolution 20.06 lbs (9.1 kg)
Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) 8.3
Vertical Noise Floor (1 mV/div) 125 uVrms
Vertical Noise Floor (2 mV/div) 125 uVrms
Vertical Noise Floor (5 mV/div) 125 uVrms
Vertical Noise Floor (10 mV/div) 128 uVrms
Vertical Noise Floor (20 mV/div) 161 uVrms
Vertical Noise Floor (50 mV/div) 281 uVrms
Vertical Noise Floor (100 mV/div) 465 uVrms
Vertical Noise Floor (200 mV/div) 1.63 uVrms
Vertical Noise Floor (500 mV/div) 2.73 mVrms
Vertical Noise Floor (1 V/div) 4.68 mVrms
Sensitivity 1 MΩ: 1 mV/div - 10 V/div, fully variable;
50 Ω: 1 mV/div - 1 V/div, fully variable
DC Vertical Gain Accuracy (Gain Component of DC Accuracy) ±(0.5%) FS, offset at 0 V
Channel-Channel Isolation DC - 200 MHz: 60 dB (>1000:1)
200 MHz - 500 MHz: 50 dB (>300:1)
500 MHz - 1 GHz: 40 dB (>100:1)
(For any two ProBus input channels, same v/div settings, typical)
Offset Range 50 Ω
±1.6 V @ 1 mV - 4.95 mV/div
±4 V @ 5 mV - 9.9 mV/div
±8 V @ 10 mV - 19.8 mV/div
±10 V @ 20 mV - 1 V/div
1 MΩ
±1.6 V @ 1 mV - 4.95 mV/div
±4 V @ 5 mV - 9.9 mV/div
±8 V @ 10 mV - 19.8 mV/div
±16 V @ 20 mV - 100 mV/div
±80 V @ 102 mV - 198 mV/div
±160 V @ 200 mV - 1 V/div
±400 V @ 1.02 V - 10 V/div
DC Vertical Offset Accuracy ±(1.0% of offset setting + 0.5% FS + 0.02% of max offset + 1mV)
Maximum Input Voltage 50 Ω: 5 Vrms,
1 MΩ: 400 V max
(DC + Peak AC 10 kHz)
Input Coupling 1 MΩ: AC, DC, GND; 50 Ω: DC, GND
Input Impedance 50 Ω ± 2.0% or 1 MΩ || 15 pF
Bandwidth Limiters 20MHz, 200MHz
Rescaling Electrical: volts, amps
Horizontal - Analog Channels
Timebases Internal timebase common to 4 input channels
Acquisition Modes Real-time, Roll, Average, Sequence
Time/Division Range 500 ps/div - 100 s/div
Roll Mode available at 50 ms/div
Clock Accuracy +/-2.5ppm + 1.0ppm/year from calibration
Channel-Channel Deskew Range < 5us/div, ± 100 ns, each channel
5us/div, ± (Tdiv x 0.04), each channel
Acquisition - Analog Channels
Sample Rate CE Compliant, UL and cUL listed; conforms to
UL 61010-1 (3rd Edition), UL 61010-2-030 (1st Edition)
CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-12
Maximum Acquisition Memory 3-year warranty; calibration recommended annually.
Optional service programs include extended warranty, upgrades, and calibration services.
Sample Rate (Single-shot) 5 GS/s on 2 Ch
2.5 GS/s on 4 Ch
Memory Length (4 Ch / 2 Ch / 1Ch) 12.5M / 25M
(Number of Segments) -1,000
Intersegment Time 1 µs
Enhanced Resolution (ERES) From 12.5 to 15 bits vertical resolution
Envelope (Extrema) Envelope, floor, or roof for up to 1 million sweeps
Vertical, Horizontal, Acquisition - Digital Channels
Maximum Input Frequency 125 MHz
Minimum Detectable Pulse Width 4 ns
Input Channels 16 Digital channels (with WS4KHD-MSO option)
Input Impedance (Flying Leads) 100 kΩ || 5 pF
Input Dynamic Range ±20V
Maximum Input Voltage ±30V Peak
Maximum Input Voltage Swing 500mVpp
Threshold Groupings Pod 2: D15 - D8, Pod 1: D7 - D0
Threshold Selections TTL (+1.4V), 5V CMOS (+2.5V), ECL (-1.3V), or User Defined
Threshold Accuracy ±(3% of threshold setting + 100mV)
User Defined Threshold Range ±10V in 20 mV steps
Sample Rate 500 MS/s
Record Length 12.5 MS - 16 Channels
Channel-to-Channel Skew ±(1 digital sample)
Triggering System
Max Trigger Frequency (C1-C4, Aux In, SMART Trigger) 1GHz
Modes Normal, Auto, Single, Stop
Sources Ch 1 - Ch 4, EXT, EXT/5, AC Line
Coupling DC, AC, HFRej, LFRej
Pre-trigger Delay 0-100% of memory size
Post-trigger Delay 0 - 10,000 Divisions
Hold-off 10 ns up to 20s or from 1 to 100,000,000
Trigger and Interpolator Jitter 8 psrms (typical)
Internal Trigger Level Range ±4.1 Divisions
External Trigger Level Range Ext: ±0.61 V, EXT/5: ±3.05 V
Maximum Trigger Rate 175,000 waveforms/second
Trigger Sensitivity with Edge Trigger ProBus Inputs 0.9 division: DC - 10 MHz
1 division: 10 MHz - 200 MHz
Trigger Sensitivity with Edge Trigger (Aux Input) Ext: 200 mV from DC to 10 MHz
300 mV from 10 MHz to 200 MHz
Ext/5: 1 V from DC to 10 MHz
1.5 V from 10 MHz to 200 MHz
Trigger Types
Edge Triggers when signal meets slope (positive, negative, or either) and level condition.
Width Triggers on positive or negative glitches with selectable widths.
minimum width 2 ns, Maximum Width: 20 s
Window Triggers when signal exits a window defined by adjustable thresholds
Pattern Logic combination (AND, NAND, OR, NOR) of 5 inputs (4 channels and external trigger input).
Each source can be high, low, or don’t care. The High and Low level can be selected independently. Triggers at start or end of the pattern.
TV-Composite Video Triggers NTSC or PAL with selectable line and field; HDTV (720p, 1080i, 1080p) with selectable frame rate (50 or 60 Hz) and Line;
or CUSTOM with selectable Fields (1-8), Lines (up to 2000), Frame Rates (25, 30, 50, or 60 Hz), Interlacing (1:1, 2:1, 4:1, 8:1),
or Synch Pulse Slope (Positive or Negative).
Runt Trigger on positive or negative runts defined by two voltage limits and two time limits. Select between 1 ns and 20 ns.
Slew Rate Trigger on edge rates. Select limits for dV, dt, and slope. Select edge limits between 1 ns and 20 ns.
Interval Triggers on intervals selectable between 1 ns and 20 s.
Dropout Triggers if signal drops out for longer than selected time between 1 ns and 20 s.
Multi-Stage: Qualified
(Timeout or State/Edge Qualified)
Triggers on any input source only if a defined state or edge occurred on another input source. Delay between sources is selectable by time.
Triggers with Exclusion Technology Trigger on intermittent faults by specifying the expected behavior and triggering when that condition is not met
Low Speed Serial Protocol Trigger (Optional)
Supported Protocols I2C, SPI (SPI, SSPI, SIOP), UART-RS232, CAN1.1, CAN2.0, CAN FD, LIN, FlexRay, AudioBus (I2S, LJ, RJ, TDM)
Math Tools
Math Functionality Display up to 6 measurement parameters together with statistics, including mean, minimum, maximum, standard deviation,
and total number. Each occurrence of each parameter is measured and added to the statistics table. Histicons provide a fast,
dynamic view of parameters and waveshape characteristics. Parameter gates define the location for measurement on the source waveform.
Math Operators - Basic Math Delay (from trigger, 50%), Duty Cycle, Fall Time (90-10, 80-20), Frequency, Period, Δ Period, Phase, Rise Time (10-90, 20-80), Skew, Width+, Width-
Math Operators - Digital
(incl. with MSO models/options)
Amplitude, Base, Maximum, Mean, Minimum, Peak-to-Peak, RMS, Std. Deviation, Top.
Math Operators - Filters Area, Base, Fall Time (90-10, 80-20), Overshoot (positive, negative), Rise Time (10-90, 80-20), Top, Width+, Width-
Math Operators - Functions Display up to 2 math functions traces (F1-F2). The easy-to-use graphical interface simplifies setup of up to two operations on each function trace, and function traces can be chained together to perform math-on-math.
Math Operators - Other Average (summed), Average (continuous), Difference (-), Envelope, Floor, Invert (negate), Product (x), Ratio (/), Reciprocal,
Rescale (with units), Roof, Sum (+).
Pass/Fail Testing
Pass/Fail Testing Enhanced resolution (to 15 bits vertical)
Three-phase Electrical and Mechanical Motor Drive Analysis Software
Setup Capability FFT (power spectrum, magnitude), up to 500 kpts record length. Select from Rectangular, VonHann, Hamming,
FlatTop and Blackman Harris windows.
Numerics Measurement Table Selections Derivative, Integral, Invert (negate), Rescale (with units), Square, Square root, Zoom (identity).
Per-cycle "Synthesized" Waveforms and Statistics Trend (datalog) of up to 1000 measurement parameters
Harmonics Calculation Option (MDA800-HARMONICS) Mask Test (pre-defined or user-defined mask, waveform All In, All Out, Any In, or Any Out conditions)
with following THEN Save (waveforms), Stop, Alarm, (send) Pulse,
Hardcopy (send email, save screen image, save to clipboard, send to printer), or (save) LabNotebook.
Integrated Second Display
Size Color 12.1" widescreen capacitive touch screen
Resolution 1200 x 800
LeCroy WaveStream™ Fast Viewing Mode
Intensity Display a maximum of 8 traces. Simultaneously display channel, zoom, memory and math traces.
Types Auto, Single,X-Y, Single+X-Y
Number of Channels Sample dots joined, or sample dots only
High Speed Digitizer Output (Option)
Type Variable saturation levels; stores each trace’s persistence data in memory
Transfer Rate Select analog or color
Output Protocol Activate persistence on all traces
Control Protocol Select from 1.00 s to infinity
Auto Calibration Display up to 8 Zooms
Calibration Stability 4 active waveform memory traces (M1-M4) store 16 bit/point full length waveforms.
Waveforms can be stored on the internal microSD card or external USB device, limited only by the data storage media capacity
Type Store to the internal microSD, over the network, or to a USB-connected peripheral device.
Processor Memory Automatically sets timebase, trigger, and sensitivity to display a wide range of repetitive signals
Operating System Automatically sets the vertical sensitivity and offset for the selected channel to display a waveform with the maximum dynamic range
Oscilloscope Operating Software Ensures specified DC and timing accuracy is maintained for 1 year minimum.
Real Time Clock Calibration ensured within +/-5°C operating temperature. Manual calibration may be invoked if outside this temperature range.
Ethernet Port TI AM5728 Sitara Processor
USB Host Ports 2 GB
USB Device Port Microsoft Windows CE
GPIB Port (optional) Teledyne LeCroy MAUI™
External Monitor Port Date and time displayed with waveform in hardcopy files. SNTP support to synchronize to precision internal clocks.
Remote Control Supports 10/100BaseT Ethernet interface (RJ45 port)
Network Communication Standard 2 side USB 2.0 ports, 2 front USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports
LSIB Port (optional) 1 port - USBTMC over USB 2.0
Serial Port Supports IEEE - 488.2 (External)
Peripheral Bus 1 x HDMI, supports up to 1280x800
Auxiliary Input
Signal Types Via Windows Automation, or via LeCroy Remote Command Set
Coupling VXI-11 or VICP, LXI Compatible
Auxiliary Output
Control Signals Select External Trigger on the rear panel
Connector Type 53 Ω: DC; 1 MΩ: DC
Probes 50 Ω: 5 Vrms; 1 MΩ: 250 Vmax (DC + Peak AC 10 kHz)
Probe System Always Trig Out
Scale Factors 3.3 V into 1 MΩ pulse > 1.3 ms
Calibration Output Trigger out
Power Requirements
Voltage BNC, located on back
Nominal Power Consumption Qty. (4) ÷10 Passive Probes
Max. Power Consumption ProBus. Automatically detects and supports a variety of compatible probes
Temperature (Operating) Automatically or manually selected depending on probe used
Temperature (Non-Operating) Default is 1kHz square wave, 3.3Vp-p (typical), output to probe hook. Settable from 500 Hz to 1 MHz square wave
Humidity (Operating) 100-240 VAC ±10% at 50-60 ±10% Hz; 110-120 VAC ±10% at 400 ±5% Hz; Automatic AC Voltage Selection
Altitude (Operating) 150 VA
Altitude (Non-Operating) 0 °C to 50 °C
Random Vibration (Operating) -30 °C to 70 °C
Random Vibration (Non-Operating) 5% to 90% relative humidity (non-condensing) up to +31 °C.
Upper limit derates to 50% relative humidity (non-condensing) at +50 °C.
Functional Shock 5% to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing) as tested per MIL-PRF-28800F
Size and Weight
Dimensions (HWD) Up to 10,000 ft. (3048 m) at or below +30 °C
Weight Up to 40,000 ft. (12,192 m)