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Agilent/Keysight E4412A

Wide Dynamic Range Power Sensor, E-Series


     Agilent/Keysight  E4412A    寬動態範圍功率傳感器
  • Fast measurement speed, up to 400 readings per second with the E4416A
  • Wide dynamic range (-70 dBm to +20 dBm)
  • Calibration factors, linearity ana temperature compensations data stored in EEPROM
  • Excellent SWR for reducing mismatch uncertainty
  • Accurate calibration and traceability to NIST
  • Compatible with EPM (new N1913A/ 14A, E4418B/ 19B), EPM-P (E4416A/ 17A) and P-series (N1911A/ 12A) power meters
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