Agilent/Keysight 4156C
Precision Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer
Agilent/Keysight 安捷倫/是德 4156C 精密半導體參數分析儀
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General features
- Highly accurate laboratory bench top parameter analyzer for advanced device characterization
- 4x High-resolution SMU, 2xVSU and 2xVMU
- Fill-in-the blanks front panel operation
- Includes Desktop EasyEXPERT software for PC-based GUI instrument control
Measurement capabilities
- 1 femtoamp and 0.2 microvolt measurement resolution
- QSCV, Stress Mode, Knob-sweep, Stand-by function
- +/- 200 Volts and +/- 1 Amp High-Power SMU, Pulse Generator capabilities available by optional 41501B
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